Nov 14, 2024

1. **心脑血管疾病治疗**:
– **治疗脑梗塞**:金纳多可以改善梗塞区的血液供应,有助于缩小梗塞范围,减轻脑损害。
– **改善脑血流量**:通过扩张脑血管,增加脑血流量,从而缓解脑部缺血症状。
– **预防心脑血管疾病**:对预防心脑血管疾病有重要作用,如冠心病、心绞痛等。


2. **神经功能障碍治疗**:
– **改善记忆力与注意力**:对于记忆力减退、注意力不集中等症状有改善作用。
– **老年痴呆症**:对老年痴呆症有预防和改善作用。


3E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **耳部疾病治疗**:
– **耳鸣、眩晕**:对于耳鸣、眩晕等耳部疾病有改善作用。
– **听力减退**:有助于改善听力减退问题。

4. **眼部疾病治疗**:
– **视网膜病变**:对于因糖尿病引起的视网膜病变有改善作用。
– **视力模糊**:对于视力模糊、慢性青光眼等症状有一定疗效。

5. **周围循环障碍治疗**:
– **改善四肢血液循环**:对于手脚麻木、冰凉、四肢酸痛等症状有改善作用。
– **治疗动脉闭塞症**:对下肢动脉闭塞、上肢功能闭塞等周围动脉闭塞症有治疗作用。

6. **其他作用**:
– **清除自由基**:有助于清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞衰老。
– **改善微循环**:有助于改善微循环,防止缺氧损害。



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Nov 11, 2024

### 牛油果的益处:

1. **润肤美容**:牛油果含有丰富的抗氧化剂,能够滋润肌肤,缩小毛孔,适合干性肤质的人使用。
2. **保护子宫**:牛油果有助于平衡激素水平,预防宫颈癌,对女性健康有益。
3. **丰胸效果**:牛油果中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于提升胸部弹性。E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif
4. **防晒**:牛油果可以对抗紫外线,保护皮肤,减少晒伤和晒黑的风险。
5. **护理头发**:牛油果中的卵磷脂可以改善干枯和受损的发质,使头发柔顺有光泽E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。
6. **延缓衰老**:牛油果富含甘油酸、蛋白质、维生素E等,有助于延缓衰老。
7. **补充营养**:牛油果含有蛋白质、维生素等营养素,对青少年成长有益。

### 牛油果的注意事项:



1. **高热量**:牛油果热量较高,不适合减肥期间食用过多。
2. **过敏体质**:对牛油果过敏的人应避免食用。
3. **消化问题**:牛油果含有较多的植物性蛋白质,消化功能不好的人应少吃。
4. **合理搭配**:建议与其他低脂食物如橄榄油、水果和蔬菜搭配食用,保持营养均衡。E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif


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Nov 5, 2024

### 药效

1. **清热解毒**:连翘败毒丸的主要功效之一是清热解毒,适用于治疗因脏腑积热、风热湿毒引起的各种症状。

2. **散风消肿**:此药能散风消肿,对于因风湿引起的局部组织红肿疼痛、发热等症状有较好的缓解作用。E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif

3. **祛风止痒**:对于风疹、皮肤瘙痒等症状,连翘败毒丸有辅助治疗的效果。

4. **润肠通便**:连翘败毒丸还有润肠通便的作用,对于便秘有一定的缓解作用。

### 用途


1. **疮疡疾病**:适用于因脏腑积热、风热湿毒引起的疮疡疾病,如疮疖初起、红肿疼痛等。

2. **皮肤疾病**:对于皮肤红肿、热痛、风湿疙瘩、遍身刺痒、皮疹、皮肤瘙痒等症状,连翘败毒丸也有一定的治疗作用。

3. **荨麻疹**:对于荨麻疹以及皮肤热盛出现的皮肤瘙痒,连翘败毒丸可以配合抗组织胺药和祛风止痒药物进行治疗。


4. **便秘**:连翘败毒丸对于大便便秘也有一定的改善作用。

### 注意事项

1. **孕妇禁用**:孕妇应避免使用连翘败毒丸。

2. **慎用人群**:患有高血压、心脏病、糖尿病、肝病、肾病等慢性病严重者,应在医师指导下服用。

3. **饮食调节**:在服用连翘败毒丸期间,应避免烟、酒及辛辣、刺激的食物。

4. **药物相互作用**:不宜在服用期间同时服用滋补性中药,以免影响药效。


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Oct 31, 2024

1. **清热解毒**:绿豆性味甘寒,具有清热解毒的作用,可以有效地缓解夏季高温带来的不适,对于中暑、食物中毒等都有一定的预防和治疗作用。

2. **祛湿**:绿豆具有利水消肿的功效,能够帮助人体排出多余的水分,对于湿气重、水肿等问题有缓解作用。

3. **消暑**:绿豆汤是夏季消暑的佳品,可以降低体温,补充因出汗而流失的水分和电解质,使人感到清爽。


4. **帮助消化**:绿豆含有丰富的膳食纤维,能够促进肠道蠕动,有助于消化,防止便秘,同时还能平衡肠道微生物群,帮助吸收营养。

5E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **控制饥饿感**:绿豆含有较低的脂肪和较高的纤维,消化速度慢,有助于延长饱腹感,对于控制体重有一定的帮助。


– **维生素B群**:有助于维持神经系统健康和能量代谢。
– **铁**:对于预防贫血、增强免疫力有重要作用。E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif
– **钾**:有助于维持心脏健康,调节血压。


– **肠胃虚弱者**:绿豆性质偏寒,肠胃虚弱的人食用后可能引起不适,如腹泻等。
– **正在服用药物者**:绿豆可能会影响某些药物的吸收和疗效。
– **体质寒凉者**:过量食用绿豆可能会加重寒凉体质的症状。


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Oct 27, 2024

1. **药理作用**:
– 氧氟沙星片是氧氟沙星的盐酸盐形式,属于广谱抗菌药物E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。其作用机制主要是通过抑制细菌DNA旋转酶(细菌拓扑异构酶II)的活性,从而阻碍细菌DNA的复制和转录,导致细菌生长和繁殖受到抑制。
– 它对多种革兰阴性菌,如大肠杆菌、克雷伯菌属、沙雷菌属、变形杆菌属、志贺菌属、沙门菌属等,以及某些革兰阳性菌,如金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎链球菌、溶血性链球菌等,都有较强的抗菌活性。
– 对于某些厌氧菌,如脆弱拟杆菌等,氧氟沙星也有一定的抗菌作用。

2. **适应症**:
– 氧氟沙星片适用于敏感菌引起的各种感染,包括但不限于:
– 呼吸系统感染:如急性支气管炎、慢性支气管炎急性发作、肺炎等。
– 泌尿系统感染:如急性肾盂肾炎、复杂性尿路感染等。
– 生殖系统感染:如前列腺炎、附睾炎等E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。
– 皮肤软组织感染:如蜂窝组织炎、淋巴管炎等。


– 骨与关节感染:如化脓性关节炎等。

3. **药效特点**:
– 生物利用度高:口服吸收良好,生物利用度约为85%-95%。
– 血浆蛋白结合率低:药物在血浆中的结合率较低,有助于提高其在体内的抗菌活性。
– 半衰期较长:氧氟沙星的半衰期约为5-7小时,因此一日只需服用一次即可。
– 分布广:药物在体内分布广泛,包括痰、尿液、胆汁等。
– 肾排泄:80%以上的药物以原形经肾排泄。

4E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **不良反应**:
– 虽然氧氟沙星片是一种较为安全的抗菌药物,但仍可能出现一些不良反应,如恶心、呕吐、头痛、皮疹等。严重的不良反应较少见,但若出现过敏反应或其他严重症状,应立即停药并咨询医生。


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Oct 26, 2024

1E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **笑**:指的是欢笑、笑声,通常与愉悦、快乐的心情相关联。

2. **散**:可以理解为分散、消散,也有可能是指释放、发泄。

3. **奇效**:指的是奇特或者非凡的效果,通常用来形容某种方法或行为产生了出乎意料的好效果。


– **情绪释放的奇妙效果**:通过欢笑来释放压力、烦恼,从而产生意想不到的积极效果。
– **心理疗愈的神奇力量**:笑可以作为一种心理疗愈手段,帮助人们缓解痛苦,达到奇效。
– **人际关系的和谐促进**:在人际交往中,适当的欢笑可以增进彼此间的了解和友谊,产生奇效。


– 当一个人遇到困难或挫折时,通过开怀大笑来缓解情绪,最终解决问题E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。
– 在紧张的工作或学习中,通过幽默的方式调节气氛,提高效率。
– 在人际交往中,用幽默和笑声来拉近彼此的距离,增进感情。


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Oct 22, 2024

### 作用:
1. **消毒防腐**:甲紫溶液主要成分是甲紫,能够与微生物酶系统发生氢离子的竞争性对抗,使酶失去活性,从而发挥杀菌作用。
2. **治疗皮肤化脓性感染**:对革兰氏阳性菌如葡萄球菌、白喉杆菌,以及绿脓杆菌、白念珠菌、表皮癣菌有杀灭作用。
3E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **治疗口腔炎**:特别是白色念珠菌引起的口腔炎。


4. **治疗烫伤和烧伤**:用于烧伤烫伤时,可选用0.1%-1%的水溶液外涂。

### 使用指南:
1. **使用前准备**:在使用甲紫溶液之前,必须先用消毒水或生理盐水清洗伤口,以确保伤口清洁。
2. **涂抹方法**:用1%的水溶液外涂,一日2-3次。根据伤口大小和感染程度调整用量。
3. **注意事项**:
– **不宜大面积使用**:大面积破损皮肤不宜使用甲紫溶液,以免颜色深难以辨认伤口。


– **不宜长期使用**:长期使用可能导致皮肤着色,面部有溃疡性损害时应慎用。E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif
– **避免口腔内使用**:治疗口腔炎时,只在患处涂药,避免溶液被咽下,以免引起食管炎、喉头炎。
– **不宜封包**:涂药后不宜加封包,以免影响药物的吸收和伤口恢复。
– **儿童用药**:治疗婴儿口腔念珠菌病时,涂药后应暂时把婴儿面部朝下,以避免药物咽下的可能性。
– **孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药**:哺乳期妇女乳房部位用药需防止婴儿经口吸入。
4. **药物相互作用**:甲紫溶液遇酸呈绿黄色,遇碱游离出甲紫盐基的褐紫色沉淀E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。


5. **不良反应**:对粘膜可能有刺激,可能引起接触性皮炎。


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Jul 27, 2024
Liu Ying’s heart is full of affection for Li Tie. "Oh! Then send it! "

Goofy suddenly break a chicken thigh way "sister! This is for you! "
Liu Ying busy way "high eldest brother! Give it to the wounded! They need this most! "
"That’s not bad this chicken leg! You are our army angels in white. If you are short of nutrition, who will treat the wounded? If you don’t think for yourself, you have to think for the wounded! I saw you often dizzy the other day. It must be caused by lack of nutrition! Eat it quickly! "
"This that is all right! I’ll take it! You go and send it! " Just about to turn around and "come back!
Liu Ying laughed. "Is there anything else, Brother Gao!" "
"I watch you eat! I don’t know who ate it again! " Goofy stubborn way
"hey! Brother, why can’t you really do anything about it! Ok, I ate it! " Liu Ying shook her head and bit it!
"Hey hey! This is our good sister! Eat them all! It’s fragrant! "
"High eldest brother! Have you eaten? "
"hey! I have eaten with the colonel! By the way, and this pig hand! Here you are! I specially left it for you! Take it! " Stuffed it into Liu Ying’s hand and turned away!
Liu Ying’s heart was filled with tears. Since she arrived in the army, she knew that he had a heart for it. Liu Ying regarded him as her brother. She also cared for her in every way. It was delicious and fun to think about her, which made her feel a long-lost affection in a foreign land.
"Eldest brother! I am back! " Goofy sat cross-legged on the kang. "Come on, let za elder brother three kill these pig hands today! Talk while drinking! "
236 Hong Tianhu joined the army 1
"Lao wang say! What is the situation! "
Wang Da and Li Tie said again that Li Tie’s eyes were straight when he heard it. "Ha, ha, ha! Lao Wang, you are too timid! The public was fooled by a ghost with a fake bomb tied to it! Aren’t you afraid of wearing a gang? "
"Fear of death improper anti-union! Kid is also a father and mother! He’s more scared! You didn’t see those kids pee their pants like that! We have no time to bomb! I ran to the fireworks shop and asked the boss for some fake detonators and got some scrapped grenades, which scared the kid! Make me happy! Almost not exposed! "
"It seems that three aso furious! A brigade commander must be a strong force of the East Army! How many soldiers and horses are there! "
"And let’s almost! Nearly ten thousand divisions! What a general trend! "
"The somebody else that’s battle-hardened east army ace forces let’s and the somebody else that is disparity! Although there are many of us, more than half of them are recruits! The quality is not as good as others! " Li Tie worried.
"Afraid of his ball! They have just arrived and don’t know much about our place. Let’s just hold the city! Brother, if you are a little tired these days, take out your unique skills and let the kid lose a lot without waiting for the battle! "
Goofy patted his chest "don’t worry, eldest brother! Brother, let the kid go back and forth! But there’s just a little less dynamite! Go and make a plan! "
"hey! Gunpowder is in short supply when there is a war these days! Go and see those fireworks shops in the city! We’d rather make sure that mines are safe! "
Li Tie suddenly took out a flying knife from the drawer. "Gao, is this you?"
Goofy a look "yes! How did you get here? "
"Ha ha ha! Didn’t you let people come to me with your keepsake? Forgot it so soon? "
"Aye, yes! I remember Hong Tianhu! What happened to that bean seller? Did he come? "
"Come! As soon as I heard that it was your reference, I settled them in the small courtyard next door! The old lady has old cold legs. I’ll let Liu Ying show her! I’m so happy! Just say that we are good at resisting the alliance! "
"yo! Brother, I’ll go and have a look! I like this small! Just give us the death squads! "
"That can’t do! The old lady is the only one! What if you die in the charge? You can afford it! "
"Eldest brother! That’s not true! If you are afraid of death, don’t be an anti-union! People may die at any time in war. Who knows what the weather is like? What do you say, political commissar? "
"Well, let’s wait and see what the old lady thinks!"
"That line! I’ll go first! " Goofy walked out of the door to the next courtyard and knocked on the door. A young man came out of it. It was Hong Tianhu!
"Aye, yes! The benefactor is here! Please come in! " Hong Tianhu let Goofy into the back room. There was an old lady sitting in the living room. The old lady’s spirit and hair were black and shiny, and she didn’t look like a few decades old!
"Aunt, are you always okay?"
"yo! This is "the old lady looked at her son and said," Oh, my God, this is captain Gao Fei, the rescuer who told you! "
"Hey, yes!" The old lady will kneel when she gets up. Aunt, what are you doing? Fold my life! You always sit down quickly! " Goofy helped her sit down.
"hey! Son, this is our Hong family rule! I have to kowtow when I see the savior! "
237 Hong Tianhu joined the army 2
"Aunt! That’s what I should do! Don’t worry! Besides, our army is not interested in this! Are you used to living here? "
"aye! Great! There are people here who cook and treat diseases! God, I am so happy! " The old lady laughed
"That’s good! I’m afraid you’re not used to living here! Aunt, is this the only one in your family? "
The old lady wiped her tears and said, "Hi! Farewell, I’ve been promoted by three children in my life. My boss was killed by the Japanese, and my second child was captured by the Kuomintang. Now my life and death are uncertain! Isn’t that the third child left? Now I have come to join the army! "
"Aunt, you are always willing to let him join the army! This is a brain-breaking job! "
"hey! These days, the people will have no good life if they don’t leave for a day! We can’t compete with Yue Wumu, and we have to support the anti-Japanese, right? What is reluctant! I am in my sixties, how many years can I live! " The old lady laughed
"Niang what are you talking about! You will live to be over 100 years old! " Hong Tianhu arrives.
"This bear child that won’t be an old goblin! I’m not going to live that old! Suffer! "
"I want decepticon to follow me, ok? I was a death squad, and I might die one day! You are so willing! "
"willing to give up! What is reluctant! It is our common people’s duty to fight against the Japanese pirates when the imps invade my home, even if they die in battle, they will never regret it! Because we are Chinese grandchildren! Can you make him a kid? " The old lady Lin Biao way
"Aunt you old consciousness is too high! Don’t worry, I will take good care of Tianhu! "
"Ha ha rest assured, of course, I rest assured! You are a good boy! I believe you! If decepticons die! It’s his pleasure! Our Hong family will be so proud! "
"Aunt then don’t say anything! You are always a hero mother! You are really unambiguous in front of national justice! "
"That is! I thought that when my old man made a revolution with the revolutionary party that day, I also killed the enemy in battle! Let alone my son! Son, just follow captain Gao and do a good job! Kill more ghosts to fight for the Hong family! "
"hey! Mother, you can rest assured! I promise to kill him, and the Japanese will go belly-up! Hey hey "Hong Tianhu laughed.
"Well, my son has to do this if he has backbone!"
That’s all right! Tianhu, stay with your mother. I’ll find you later! “
"Know the battalion chief! "He got up and sent Goofy to the door". Take care of your mother! You’re happier than us, and you still have a problem with your mother. I don’t even think about a mother! "Goofy sighed with emotion.
Goofy back to LiTieFang Wang Da laughed "brother? Is the old lady reluctant? “
"Ha ha ha! On the contrary, the old lady strongly supports our work! She is a heroic mother!

More Details
Jul 24, 2024
When I read this, the elder broken arrow’s heart was hot. He looked at Li Xuandao and his eyes gradually became cold.

"Li Xuandao, even if you break through to the ninth floor of Tongxuan, you are still a mortal. You and I are still a worm. There is no difference between you and just now. Are you really a worm?"
Elder broken arrow’s big sleeve shook the earth with a wave of his hand.
See several soil mixed with gravel and hay around the sky condensed into more than ten handles more than ten feet long soil sword blade, pointing to Li Xuandao sends out a sharp momentum.
Li Xuandao looked cold and quietly clenched the mark. The sword said coldly, "Maybe don’t be an ant, but I, Li Xuandao, will be able to cut you!"
Elder broken arrow looked furious, and he deliberately commanded more than ten clay swords, so he brazenly tore his strength like a flash and attacked and killed Li Xuandao.
Violent firm but gentle will gas cutting.
Fiona Fang tens of meters of wind suddenly gave a long roar.
Li Xuandao gently wiped his hand to mark the sword and turned a blind eye to the mud sword that came from more than ten roads.
It was not until more than ten clay swords were flagrantly killed that he slowly raised his head and flashed a cold light.
A sword drawn friction ring.
The mark sword is like an angry dragon going out to sea, and the sound of the sword resounds through heaven and earth
"The first way to kill the gods is to break the mountains and rivers!"
A dazzling light cuts through the virtual world.
Bang bang bang!
More than ten long swords with clay handles will have to exert their power in the future, and several cracks will rise all over them and crash and break.
Elder broken arrow, drawn by Qi Qi, suddenly spit out one mouthful blood.
However, before he could return to absolute being, Dawson drank coldly and suddenly his ears rang.
"The second way to kill the gods is to kill ghosts and gods!"
Instantly the heavens and the earth shake.
Elder broken arrow raised his head to see the sudden disappearance of Li Xuandao’s hand mark sword with horror.
Then a sense of crisis that I had never felt before suddenly rose from my heart.
"Not good!"
Elder broken arrow’s face changed dramatically, and he didn’t want to jump back toward the rear.
But it’s still late.
A muffled sound came.
Elder broken arrow didn’t see the attack, but he still felt that an irresistible force directly penetrated his body and disintegrated his strength.
His body suddenly paused and looked at his chest with a sudden three-foot sword mark.
It took a long time for the elder broken arrow’s face to rise a little nai wry smile. He looked at Li Xuandao’s hand and kept cheering and jumping. Fa Jian shook his head and sighed, "This sword of yours has ghosts and gods …"
Broken arrow elder words haven’t say that finish the body then crashing burst into the sky sand.
However, Li Xuandao’s face did not show color.
He stared at a handful of yellow sand drifting away, his eyes flashing with silver awns.
Sure enough!
With a roar, the wild sand actually reunited and gradually turned into a lean figure.
He is full of black hair, and his waist muscles are bulging and full of strength and beauty.
Impressively is the elder broken arrow!
He didn’t die after Li Xuandao’s sword cut his heart, but he instantly recovered.
"Ha, ha, ha, Li Xuandao forgot to tell you that I have been practicing immortality. Even if your swordsmanship is amazing, you are no match for me. That’s why I will say that you worm will never be proud!"
Elder broken arrow stroked his chest and couldn’t help laughing.
He looked down at Li Xuandao like a high god playing with the ground ants, and his mouth was full of thick ridicule.
Chapter 26 The fourth god kills Excalibur
Chapter 26 The fourth god kills Excalibur
"Li Xuandao, why don’t you give in quickly now?"
Elder broken arrow stared at Li Xuandao’s face with a disdainful face and wanted to see panic or despair in Li Xuandao’s face.
To elder broken arrow’s disappointment, Li Xuandao’s face expression has not changed.
He always looks as if he had expected everything early, and he is very calm
Actually, it is.
Li Xuandao knew that the elders of broken arrow would not die, and their bodies would change no longer as flesh and blood, but as pure energy or other substances after practicing in the realm of saints.
In this way, the body is strong and there is no weakness. If it is strong enough, they can recover immediately no matter how serious the injury is.
If you want to kill them, ordinary means are gone.
Unless …
"Elder broken arrow, I think it’s you who tackled the prisoner?"
Li Xuandao played a finger directly to mark the sword to put away.
The limited power that the fighting swordsmanship can exert is not enough to bring fatal injuries to Elder broken arrow, and he has broken through to the ninth floor of Tongxuan territory, and Elder broken arrow has no profit value.
So he is a little impatient and wants to end the battle quickly.
"Li Xuandao is dying, and I don’t know how good it is?"
Elder broken arrow, if he didn’t feel that death was coming, he still pointed to Li Xuandao’s nose and shouted, "I’ve been waiting for the saints and the strong to be concise and the immortal body is invincible. Even though your fencing is amazing, you can kill me ten times and a hundred times, but I can recover instantly with a breath."
"And you?"
Broken arrow elders with a sneer at a way; "Even if you are the first Tianbao body, you always have the power to run out at that moment, right? It’s enough for me to kill you once when you are weak, Li Xuandao. I thought you were a wise man. I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant! "
"Immortal body?"
Li Xuandao snorted with undisguised contempt. "Even though I used to call the shots and worship, I didn’t dare to claim immortality after I finally fell. But do you dare to claim immortality as a little saint?"
Listening to Li Xuandao’s remarks, Elder broken arrow’s eyes are full of shock.
What else does he have to say in the future? Li Xuandao stood up and gave off a sharp expression. "I didn’t want to use this magical power, but I didn’t expect you to break through the saint’s realm. Today, I will be worthy of this magical power!"
Said Li Xuandao head two horns suddenly jumped eyes shining silver fern.
"The fourth god kills the sword!"
As Li Xuandao drank his eyes, he suddenly shot out the dazzling mountain, and the condensation in front of him turned into substance, like wisps of silver silk thread, into a silver sword.
This long sword is like an illusion, and it is composed of silver rays.
Ten percent of the sword immediately has an indestructible force to cut off all the great wars, great decisions and great wisdom and will to fill the whole world as if even the company could split it.
Kill the Excalibur!
This sword of will filled Li Xuandao’s whole soul. Even the elders in broken arrow can feel how vast and huge the power of this sword of will is!

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Jul 18, 2024
"Ning Caichen, how dare you attack us? You actually let these rebels attack us. Do you rebel first?"

On the other side, three people, Li Yuan, Pan Yang and Wang Ze, got up from the ground, but at this time, all three of them were very embarrassed, and their mouths were bleeding. They all looked at Ning Caichen Wang Ze with hatred, and they even exported and drank heavily. Liang Jun behind them was also quiet, looking at Ning Caichen or hatred, or fear, but no one dared to speak.
"Do you think it’s great that you are strong yourself? I must treat you with a crime of collusion and disorderly party … you wait, you won’t feel better."
Wang Zekou threatened to shout and his face was bitter, but he screamed for a moment.
"Snow! ….. Ah! "
The shrill scream came from Wang Ze’s mouth and saw a sword light cut through the night. His right hand was cut off from his shoulder at the moment. It was Ning Caichen who made a decisive move and waved a sword light to cut off Wang Ze’s arm directly.
Leng! Everyone didn’t return to absolute being and looked at Ning Caichen. It felt like a ghost. Wang Zeze was already holding a broken right arm and screaming. Li Yuanhe Pan Yang’s face also changed. First he was horrified and then he was angry.
"Ning Caichen, what do you want? You’ve killed these rebels and dared to attack us. Do you know what you’re doing? Are you going to rebel?" Pan Yang was cold.
"Coson Ning, don’t you have the strength to do whatever you want? When you return to Beijing, I will report to the king to punish you." Li Yuan’s eyes are sharp.
They are really angry. Ning Caichen is too broken and overbearing. Without a word, he directly beheaded Wang Ze’s arm. Let them be surprised and angry. The hatred of Ning Caichen grows to the extreme. I feel their eyes. Ning Caichen’s face is not much changed. Looking at three people lightly-
"You are wrong. Being powerful is not only amazing, but I can also dominate your life and death. If I want you to die, you will die, and no one can save you!"
Ning Caichen’s face was very calm and insipid, but it made someone feel a freezing chill in the place. Li Yuan and Pan Yang’s face changed a lot. Huang Zheng, Yang Feng and others were also stunned to see Ning Caichen for a moment. Ning Caichen’s sword in his hand was once again waved at Pan Yang, Li Yuan and Wang Ze-
"Those who are afraid of death and defected at the cold feet will have to wait for you …"
"Tear! ……”
The night seems to have been cut with a bright sword light to aim at Li Yuan, Pan Yang and Wang Ze …
"Ning Caichen, how dare you!" "You want to kill us …" "Ning Caichen … Ah!"
"Boom! ……”
Finally, there was a big explosion, and the sword fell. Li Yuan, Pan Yang and Wang Ze directly annihilated the bones with this sword, including several military commanders around the three people who also died with this sword. These are the people who fled before …
Leng everyone leng Huang Zheng, Xue Gui, Yang Feng and others are unbelievable. Looking at Ning Caichen, no one thought that Ning Caichen would be so decisive and so overbearing that it was bold to directly slay Li Yuansan. Aren’t you afraid of the court’s blame? No one can be calm …
There is a smile in Chen Gong’s eyes. He not only doesn’t object to Ning Caichen’s means, but agrees with them. People like Li Yuan and Pan Yang are destined to go against them. At this time, it’s time for the court to blame him even more seriously. Now that Yan Yan is dead, Ning Caichen’s strength and the whole country of Liang are afraid of others. I’m afraid it’s not the court that blames Ning Caichen, but it’s time to consider bringing in Ning Caichen.
"The general trend has become"
Chen Gong’s eyes are shining. Although the first world war is extremely difficult, he knows that after today, Ning Caichen’s general trend has become the whole country of Liang, which is afraid of others.
"If you arrest someone, you will be forgiven."
After slaying Li Yuansan, Ning Caichen continued to show Liang Jun, who was led by the original Li Yuan, that he didn’t have much affection for these people. But when the war subsided, these people were killed. Think about it and know what Li Yuansan is playing. It is estimated that he wants to grab the meritorious military service …
However, they underestimated Ning Caichen’s underestimation of Ning Caichen’s means. Ning Caichen wasn’t doing it. Doing it with one heart and one mind. Liang considered it everywhere. But Ning Caichen wouldn’t do it now. Liang was dead. He was afraid of people. He would never show mercy to Li Yuan, who was unkind to him. And he was confident that even if this matter went to the court, Zhu Ji wouldn’t say anything. This article was enough to kill Li Yuan …
But Ning Caichen is an idea, others are an idea, especially those who originally followed Li Yuan, three people, Liang Jun, and one by one looked frightened and looked at Ning Caichen. Finally, these people were arrested by Mubai and others who led the army to confiscate the weapons department, including Yang Feng and Liu, who were left in the Yellow Scarf Army, and others were also bound up …
Huang Zheng and others watched Ning Caichen give orders, but no one refuted the fact that Chen Yan was dead. The military commander gave orders to Ning Caichen. No one refuted that one was that Ning Caichen’s strength was there and the other was out of fear.
"Public station, you deal with it."
Ning Caichen said to Chen Gong, "Give the remaining things to Chen Gong, and then move in the direction of Chen Yi." At this time, Huang Zheng, next to Chen Yi’s body, and some others who followed Chen Yi’s old department also walked past.
"Brother Yi"
Ning Caichen went to Chen Yi’s side, and there was a kind of anger in his heart for Chen Yanqian, because Chen Yanqian once overwhelmed him, but now people die like lights, and all grievances are naturally blowing in the wind, and for Chen Yanqian, there is more admiration in his heart for Chen Yanqian’s loyalty to Liang …
"I have always been white. Is Liang Guozhen more important than home in his heart? If you don’t have a home, you have to be state-owned? "
Chen Yi said, Chen Yi’s face is very calm at this time. Looking at Chen Yi’s mouth, he naturally refers to Chen Yi. For Chen Yi and Chen Yi’s father, Ning Caichen also knows that Chen Yanzhong’s patriotism is a good general, but Chen Yan is definitely not a good husband and father from a family perspective.
"I really don’t understand him," said Chen Yi, shaking his head and flashing a bit of melancholy and sadness in his eyes. He went to the body of Chen Yan and picked it up and walked into the distance.
"Brother Yi" Ning Caichen called 1.
"My heart was a soldier when I joined the army, but I just wanted to prove to him that now he is dead, and I have no meaning left." Chen Yi’s figure is getting farther and farther, and a faint voice comes. "I will bury him next to my mother’s grave, which is also a round mother’s dying wish to live together but sleep together after death …"
"Little general" Huang Zheng and others face is face big change looking at Chen Yi far away.
Ning Caichen eyes calmly watched Chen Yi disappear and some touches were made in the distant night center.
Chapter 194 Lord

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