Nov 13, 2024

1. **促进胶原蛋白再生**:微针通过微小的针头在皮肤上制造微细通道,刺激皮肤自我修复能力,从而促进胶原蛋白的再生。胶原蛋白的增加可以提升皮肤弹性和紧致度,减少皱纹和细纹。

2. **改善皮肤纹理**:对于皮肤粗糙、毛孔粗大等问题,微针能够有效地改善皮肤纹理,使皮肤变得更加细腻光滑。

3. **修复痘坑和疤痕**:微针能够深入皮肤真皮层,促进皮肤组织的新生和修复,对于痘坑和疤痕有较好的治疗效果。

4. **治疗妊娠纹**:妊娠纹的形成与皮肤弹力纤维的断裂有关,微针治疗可以通过刺激纤维组织再生,减轻妊娠纹的明显程度E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。

5. **美白和祛斑**:微针可以帮助美白产品更好地渗透到皮肤内部,促进皮肤新陈代谢,减少色斑和暗沉。

6. **治疗狐臭**:黄金微针可以通过射频能量破坏汗腺功能,达到治疗狐臭的效果。


7. **加速药物和营养物质的吸收**:微针打开的微细通道,可以加速药物和营养物质的渗透,使护肤品等美容产品更有效地作用于皮肤。
8. **提升皮肤活力**:微针治疗可以改善微循环,增加皮肤血流量,提升皮肤的整体活力。


9. **无创性**:微针治疗通常不需要开刀,创伤小,恢复快,对日常生活的影响较小。

10. **适用范围广**:微针治疗适用于多种皮肤问题,如抗衰老、改善肤质、治疗疤痕等。


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Nov 9, 2024

1. **清晰展示买方体验**:行间定位图能够将买方体验的各个维度和环节进行系统化呈现,使团队成员对买方的需求和痛点有更为直观和全面的理解。

2. **问题识别与解决**:通过定位图,团队成员可以识别出买方在购买过程中遇到的重大问题,并针对性地提出解决方案,从而提升产品或服务的竞争力。

3. **增强团队协作**:定位图有助于团队成员就买方体验达成共识,促进跨部门之间的沟通与协作,共同为提升客户满意度而努力。


4. **市场定位与差异化**:通过分析竞争对手的定位和买方的需求,行间定位图可以帮助企业明确自身的市场定位,并找出差异化竞争优势。

5. **产品设计与改进**:定位图能够为产品设计和改进提供有力支持,帮助企业更好地满足买方的需求,提升产品价值。

6. **提升客户满意度**:通过对买方体验的深入研究,企业可以针对性地改进产品和服务,从而提高客户满意度,增强客户忠诚度E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。

7. **决策支持**:行间定位图可以为企业管理层提供决策支持,帮助他们在产品开发、市场推广、客户关系维护等方面做出更为明智的决策。

8. **战略规划**:定位图有助于企业从宏观层面审视市场环境,明确战略发展方向,为企业长远发展奠定基础。

9. **品牌形象塑造**:通过不断提升买方体验,企业可以塑造良好的品牌形象,增强市场竞争力。

10E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **提升企业效益**:行间定位图的应用有助于企业提高产品和服务质量,降低客户流失率,从而提升企业整体效益。


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Nov 6, 2024

1. **降低血压**:芝麻油中富含维生素E,研究表明,这种成分有助于自然降低血压,可以作为其他食用油的健康替代品。

2. **控制血糖**:芝麻油含有镁,有助于控制血糖水平,同时维生素E作为一种抗氧化剂,已被证明可以调节血糖,对糖尿病患者饮食中具有积极作用。
3. **滋润皮肤**:芝麻油能滋润皮肤,保持皮肤光滑,防止皱纹,并且可用作天然防晒剂,有助于治疗某些皮肤状况。

4E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **强健骨骼**:芝麻油含有丰富的钙、铜、锌和镁等矿物质,对强健骨骼至关重要。

5. **口腔健康**:芝麻油有助于消除牙菌斑,改善整体口腔健康。

6. **心血管健康**:芝麻油中的抗氧化剂可以降低胆固醇水平,支持更好的动脉功能,有助于保持心血管系统的健康。


7. **滋养头发**:芝麻油被称为天然防晒剂,可以保护头发免受紫外线和有害污染,滋养头皮和头发,防止晒伤。

8. **缓解便秘**:芝麻油的油脂可以起到润肠通便的功效,有助于习惯性便秘患者改善便秘情况。E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif

9. **延缓衰老**:芝麻油中含丰富的维生素E,具有促进细胞分裂和延缓衰老的功能。

10. **保护血管**:芝麻油中的不饱和脂肪酸如亚油酸和棕榈酸,有助于胆固醇的代谢,消除动脉血管壁上的沉积物。

11. **减轻烟酒毒害**:有抽烟习惯和嗜酒的人可以通过食用芝麻油减轻烟酒对口腔、食道、胃贲门和胃黏膜的直接刺激和损伤。


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Nov 2, 2024

1. **药用功效**:薏米具有利水消肿、健脾去湿、舒筋除痹、清热排脓的功效。它常用于治疗风湿身痛、湿热脚气、湿痹、水肿、肺痈、咳吐脓血等症状。
2. **减肥**:薏米富含纤维质,低脂、低热量,是减肥时的理想主食。它还含有蛋白质、油脂、维生素、矿物质和糖类,具有美白和除斑的作用,尤其适合下半身水肿的人群。


3. **预防心血管疾病**:食用薏米有助于降低血中胆固醇和三酸甘油脂,预防高血脂症、高血压、中风、心血管疾病和心脏病。

4. **降血脂**:薏米中的水溶性纤维可以吸附胆盐,降低肠道对脂肪的吸收,进而降低血脂肪和血糖。

5. **促进新陈代谢**:薏米有助于体内血液和水分的新陈代谢,有利尿、消水肿等作用,并有助于排便。

6. **美白肌肤**:薏米富含维生素E,有助于消除斑点,使肌肤白皙,长期食用还可达到滋润肌肤的效果。

7. **预防和抵抗癌症**:现代科学研究表明,薏米中的薏苡脂具有阻止癌细胞生长和伤害的作用。

8. **增强免疫力**:薏米能增强身体轻捷,减少肿瘤发病概率,尤其适合脾虚湿盛的消化道肿瘤及痰热挟湿的肺癌患者。

9. **健脾胃、促代谢**:薏米含有多种维生素和矿物质,有助于促进新陈代谢和减少胃肠负担,可作为病中或病后体弱患者的补益食品。

10. **护发**:薏米具有营养头发、防止脱发,使头发光滑柔软的作用。

11. **利水渗湿**:薏米具有利水消肿、健脾去湿、舒筋除痹、清热排脓等功效,常用于治疗水肿、泄泻等症。
12. **防治脚气病**:薏米中含有丰富的维生素B,对防治脚气病十分有益。


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Oct 29, 2024

1. **养颜美容**:黄小米中含有丰富的维生素B2,这种维生素对皮肤有好处,能够帮助消化皮肤中的色素,从而减少皱纹和色斑。

2. **补血补气**:小米被认为具有很好的补血补气效果,尤其适合产后妇女和贫血患者。将小米与红糖一起煮粥,可以增强补血效果。


3. **提高睡眠质量**:小米中含有一种物质,能够稳定神经、调整睡眠质量。晚餐食用小米粥有助于改善睡眠。

4. **减肥瘦身**:小米属于杂粮,富含膳食纤维,有助于肠胃蠕动,加快新陈代谢,有助于减肥瘦身。

5. **防止便秘**:小米中的丰富膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于预防便秘。

6. **辅助治疗消化不良**:小米中的淀粉酶和维生素有助于改善消化,对于消化不良、食欲不振等症状有缓解作用。

7. **抗菌消炎**:小米中的维生素B1和维生素B2含量较高,可以减少口腔细菌滋生,预防口腔溃疡、嘴角生疮、脚气病、神经炎等炎症。
8. **辅助补血**:小米中的铁元素含量较高,有助于改善贫血体质。

9. **滋阴养血**:小米具有滋阴养血的作用,适合产后虚寒体质的女性食用。

10. **补充蛋白质**:小米含有多种氨基酸,是人体必需的营养成分,适合病人、孕妇和儿童食用E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。

11. **治疗消化不良、呕吐、腹泻等疾病**:小米具有一定的药用价值,可用于治疗这些疾病。

12. **调节内分泌**:小米富含油脂和类雌激素物质,有助于女性调节内分泌,滋润皮肤。


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Oct 23, 2024



1. **增强免疫力**:白桦茸含有白桦树脂酸,具有一定的杀菌作用,能够抑制大肠埃希菌、金黄链球菌、表皮葡萄球菌等细菌,有助于增强免疫力。


2. **降血糖**:白桦茸含有一定的含糖量,能够抑制身体对葡萄糖的吸附,有助于降低血糖。E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif

3. **抗氧化性**:白桦茸中含有齐墩果酸,这是一种强效的抗氧化剂,有助于清除体内的自由基,保护细胞。

4. **改善肝炎、胃炎等病症**:适量饮用桦树茸泡水对于肝炎、胃炎、十二指肠溃疡、慢性肾炎等疾病都有一定的缓解作用。

5. **预防流感**:白桦茸泡水能够阻拦病毒感染释放出来水果酵素,预防病毒在植物细胞粘附,抑制其繁殖与复制。

6. **调节肠胃功能**:桦树茸泡水对胃肠功能紊乱引起的腹泻、恶心呕吐等有调养功效。

7. **降血压**:白桦茸中的某些成分能够降血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **保护肠胃**:对于肝炎、胃病、十二指肠溃疡等有治疗作用,可以缓解肠胃失调。

9. **抗癌作用**:白桦茸中的多糖类物质具有良好的抗癌功效,能够降低身体患癌的几率,抑制癌细胞扩散和复发。


10. **延缓衰老**:清除体内自由基、保护细胞,有助于延缓衰老。


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Oct 20, 2024

1. **滋阴润肺**:银耳中含有丰富的天然植物性胶质和多种氨基酸,能够滋养肺部,对于肺燥干咳、喉咙干痛等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **增强免疫力**:银耳中的酸性多糖类物质和硒等微量元素可以增强人体免疫力,提高身体抵抗力,对抵御疾病有积极作用。

3. **润肤美容**:银耳富含天然植物性胶质,长期服用有助于润肤,能够祛除脸部黄褐斑和雀斑,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。


4. **肝脏保护**:银耳能提高肝脏的解毒能力,对肝脏有一定的保护作用,对于慢性支气管炎、肺原性心脏病等疾病也有一定的疗效。

5. **减肥作用**:银耳中的膳食纤维有助于胃肠蠕动,减少脂肪吸收,对于减肥和控制体重有一定的帮助。

6. **调节血糖**:对于糖尿病患者,适量饮用银耳汤可能有助于调节血糖水平。

7. **抗肿瘤作用**:银耳多糖具有抗肿瘤作用,对肿瘤患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


8. **润肠通便**:银耳能够润肠通便,对于便秘有很好的缓解作用。

9. **补脾开胃**:银耳具有补脾开胃的功效,适合脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的人群。


10. **延年益寿**:银耳具有补气、和血、强心、壮身、补脑、提神、美容、嫩肤等功效,长期饮用有助于延年益寿。


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Jul 26, 2024
Hey! Head-on three roads mixed with gold and iron, the cold breath is divided into three roads, and Zhou Bingyi’s figure is dashed back, and then his right foot slams on the ground and rushes to the middle hand, and the golden light flashes in front of the stone pile. Boom There was a loud noise and stones were blown all over the sky.

Suddenly, a white lime swept in front of Zhou Bingyi, followed by a sharp cut in the sound, and the ears roared, and a blue cold light quickly stung.
Zhou Bingyi’s right hand quickly took out a dark token, and it was a block against the face. Ding! When the sound of gold and iron struck, the arm was numb with shock and hurriedly dodged sideways, but the green light surrounded itself like a living creature and stared at it.
Hey! Hey! Hey! The green light suddenly sped up and smashed the clothes. Several blood flowers bloomed brightly.
Zhou Bingyi became angry from embarrassment and was attracted by people, but he was also attacked by sneak attack. His left hand pinched and printed the tactic, and his right hand token was slightly opened to reveal two rows of teeth to exhale.
He squeezed three sonic booms through his teeth! Hey! Hey! The sound is sharp and harsh, and the purple mountain at the top of the head is flashing! Click! Click! The deafening three chopsticks split into green light like thunder and flint.
Green light suddenly shrank back, followed by a change. A white light glistened on both sides of the ridge, and the hilt of the sword was holding a dark one. Around the big hand still smoking, it was like steaming, and a figure appeared. The body was shaking, the face was covered with a towel, and you couldn’t see the face. Your eyes were shining off and gave off a fierce flame.
"Who the hell are you? I’m assassinated by you?" Zhou Bingyi said, as he retreated, he was ambushed and assassinated. He said that he had to ask a white question about Liu Yizhou.
Two people can be separated by two feet, but the man doesn’t talk. His body leaps forward with a jerk, his right foot stomps a little bit, his left hand and his right hand sword flicks from left to right with a green light and a sharp sword.
Zhou Bingyi knows that the thunder method is not good and fast, but the sword just wants to dodge the neck, and it is like a big hand tightly holding it, and it quickly transports the true qi to shake it up, but it takes its own life to delay the kung fu.
Poof! The sharp knife crossed the butter microphone, and two arms fell to the ground. Zhou Bingyi’s body suddenly stopped his eyes and looked incredible. The blood on his arms was sprayed like tap water.
Then my chest slipped to the right and slammed! Falling to the ground aroused a stream of lime, and my heart was cut in half, and my heart beat a little.
That half of the body fell backwards. Snow! Liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, large intestine and small intestine were thrown out together and covered with lime.
In an instant, it’s like killing a pig slaughterhouse, emitting strong blood and dirt and steaming hot air. The smell is really unpleasant and smoky.
The man took two steps forward, and the sword body rose to the middle of his hand and disappeared with a wave of his hand, then turned and galloped away.
Behind him, however, there was a red light, and even the blood of several bodies melted away without leaving ash
The second volume Then Avenue Chapter 30 Taoist First Fare Method
In front of the bamboo forest, a green light surrounded Yi’s right hand. After a while, it spread out and there were several charred cracks on the back of his hand, which felt as hot as burning.
Easy willing to jilt to jilt right hand said to himself, "hand-cut a piece of meat, ebony reiki treatment can be restored to its original state in a short while. This thunder is so powerful that it can’t be a small loss."
Although I changed hands, I was hurt, but my heart was boiling. I have to learn this thunder method anyway.
Now, the spell is single, and few swords with red blood and ghosts can’t make the body absorb a true spirit of the elixir, so it can only be held together, and there are still four ghosts that are not gathered together in the five directions and five clever boys.
Killing Wang Zeng and others to get three banners with handles has not yet been controlled, and there are many souls in it, even if it is not easy to make.
There are many prominent figures living in the villa area where the cultivation site is also uneasy. If you accidentally release one or two souls, it will be another twist.
There are too few kinds of reiki around. Compared with the special point, it is the difference between heaven and earth. When the five elements of reiki gather together, they are too energetic. How much is different? If the aura of Ebony is strong, it can be treated.
What is urgent now is to find a place where no one disturbs the surrounding people, where the scenery is hidden and beautiful, and it is best to gather the evil spirits.
While refining the soul, you can also refine the body, but it is not easy to find it, and it may have been occupied by people.
It changed hands, grabbed the hair and tugged at it. Some people are trying to make money, and now this place has become a key thing again.
According to Gu Ming, there is a big action in the Secret Service every quarter, but not everyone can participate.
There are enough credit points, that is, the glittering numbers in the jade card have to be connected with more laws to increase the credit points while increasing the actual combat experience.
Easy wry smile things catch up with their own characteristics or peripheral personnel, which is like Gu Ming’s good family, which is a big family and is directly arranged to the Ministry. This is also a human favor to go.
Yi Dong, Nan Yi, Yi Xi and Yi Bei were also recruited to let them take care of finding children born in the shade when the moon is cloudy and the sun is cloudy in the cloudy year.
Give them a detailed warning, draw a bunch of records and give them, and then four people will be led away.
I’m not worried that they can’t find it. Besides, I have my own advice. Now that technology is so developed, I can know it clearly by video identification.
Yi Pan sat down and took out "The Interpretation of Divine Machine" to study the article on Chinese thunder method. Although he had already memorized it, it was still a habit to look at such physical words.
After a long time, I absorbed the aura of the five elements around me to a certain extent, then I opened my eyes, bent my elbows, stood flat, and put a slight hook on my left palm toward my five fingers.
The qi of the five zang-organs of the moving body changes from mutual resistance to mutual generation and then to mutual fusion, and then the qi is transported to the hands to form an air mask, and the spirit escapes into the middle image as if entering a vast and ethereal world.
Lung qi gathers in the left hand qi hood to form a white cover like a weather layer.
Spleen and local flavor also gather in the left hand, and yellow light sticks to the palm, just like land, liver, wood, vitality, kidney, water vapor scattered, filled with careful input, heart fire, transpiration and water vapor formed fog.
Then it gradually rises to the top, forming a cumulus cloud that has been shrunk many times, and more than a dozen fingers can gently hook it.
Outside the water, the aura gathers in the clouds and rubs against each other as if it were a substance, producing little sparks.
It’s easy to control the mind again. After a while, the spark will get violent and there will be a slight click! Palm formed a flash.
The flash is getting thicker and thicker, and the split is getting denser and denser. In this way, the palm of your hand interprets the mystery of heaven and earth.
It’s easy to resist the tingling and feel that this palm is like being licked by a kitten with a soft tongue.
He got up, pushed his left hand to the Woods, clicked a light ring, and saw a dazzling flash of glistening light in his palm, splitting a bamboo like flint, and suddenly the bamboo turned to ashes.
Yi is a little dissatisfied that there is no fire around and no blackening. After all, this is a virtual thunder, not a natural thunder. There is a big gap.
But the palm thunder, also known as the five-thunder palm, is not bad compared with the true qi. The palm virtual nature is wonderful and unpredictable.
There are various methods such as Fu Lei method, Wu Lei method, Jian Lei method, Tian Lei method, and so on. When the cultivation reaches a certain temperature, it is the most powerful Taoist method.
It’s easy to meditate, and it’s time to forge, and it’s not going to be able to achieve mastery for a while.
He came to the underground chamber, where Ling waved his hand, and Yuhuan formed a law with one point and five points.
Walk around the house, clap clap clap clap clap! The wall is covered with symbols, and the red cinnabar seal characters and symbols are reflected in the secret room, which is somewhat illusory.
There is no good place to go to the secret room. Ordinary people can guard against it, but if they are unlucky enough to leak Yin qi and meet the people who are doing evil and defending morality, it’s wrong to die, or be careful. The aura of heaven and earth is too sensitive

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Jul 23, 2024
"In addition to these reasons, Khan has just set up the Han flag and is in urgent need of fighting to test it. Only when there is a battlefield can these cowardly Han people form fighting capacity in the shortest time and truly become an invincible army …"

Seeing the expression on Huang Taiji’s face in Khan didn’t change much.
Fan Wencheng continued to speak and urged: "Khan slave thinks that we promised the big court to come out and ask for the joint acquisition of Liaodong with the big court, and there are two very big benefits for my late gold."
"One of the reasons is that we had attacked Liaodong …"
"The opponent of Tiger and Leopard Army is really too much. If I want to have a stable development environment, I must not let Tiger and Leopard Army guard against Tiger and Leopard Army when our neighbor is our neighbor. Otherwise, the tiger and leopard army will definitely launch a second attack on me. It was in the third attack that the people of Xu Jin robbed me, and the cattle, sheep, horses and wealth weakened me little by little."
"For this reason, we should also try our best to destroy the butch troops stationed in Liaodong with Liaodong to create a stable border and a stable development environment for the post-Jin State."
At this time Huang taiji finally spoke.
Facing Fan Wencheng, he affirmed with a face of approval: "You said it was good, counselor. When the butch troops stay in Liaodong for one day, I will have to deploy heavy troops to guard against these butch troops one day."
"But butch army strong strength there if you don’t have enough preparation to just ask the big court for some heavy artillery, you will rush to attack Liaodong, which is not in line with the interests of the post-Xu Jin Guo …"
"Khan wants to know your second reason?"
Looking at Fan Wencheng, Huang Taiji replied confidently: "The second reason for Khan’s slave is to create a condition for Khan to be emperor …"
"Although Khan was elected after you were elected, the Khan’s identity has always been conferred by the great court, which is not at the same level as that of the great court."
"Khan, if you want to enter the South Central Plains and become the ruler of the whole Central Plains, the first thing you need to do is to have an equal status with the great court, that is, the Great Emperor Chongzhen, otherwise you will never get the support and recognition of the Han people …"
"and proclaimed himself after the founding of the People’s Republic of China is the only way to get an equal status with Emperor Chongzhen."
Fan Wencheng induced Chongzhen’s face expression to become hot bit by bit unconsciously. Not only that, but a pair of eyes also sent out two eyes full of longing.
Seeing this, Fan Wencheng suddenly turned around and continued: "But Khan, it is definitely more difficult than we thought if you want to claim the status of being an equal with Emperor Chongzhen …"
"Because you want to claim the imperial court, Emperor Chongzhen will be desperate to attack us. What we will face then may be a joint attack by the imperial court and the butch army …"
"At that time, if Liaodong still holds the hands of the Tiger and Leopard Army, I will be caught in a dangerous situation between Scylla and Charybdis. If Liaodong still holds the hands of the Tiger and Leopard Army, you will not have the environment to claim the emperor and there is no way to claim the emperor as an equal with Emperor Chongzhen."
"And there is an opportunity to create a situation for Khan to reign as emperor …"
"If Khan can seize this opportunity and agree to cooperate with the big court to deal with the tiger and leopard army, then Khan can try to reign and have an equal opportunity with Chongzhen after the battle."
Huang taiji was really moved by the huge bait of becoming emperor and becoming emperor.
However, a few months ago, after the defeat of more than 10,000 fighters in Liaodong, the scene of the collapse of the fighters still appeared in front of Huang Taiji from time to time like a picture.
At the same time, Huang Taiji was deeply afraid of the strong fighting capacity shown by the Tiger and Leopard Army in previous battles. Yes, he was afraid …
Less than a lamp of tea kung fu Huang Taiji’s face was once again covered with dignified expression.
Without the slightest hesitation, Fan Wencheng asked, "Your idea is good, but you can guarantee that the big court will cooperate with the North Korean army. Can we take Liaodong to eliminate all the butch troops stationed in Liaodong … You know that the butch troops stationed in Liaodong have been strengthened to more than 30,000 people?"
Fan Wencheng didn’t hide the answer, "Khan … faced with 30,000 well-equipped and powerful butch soldiers, he was not absolutely sure that he could defeat it …"
"But it’s part of the slave’s idea to send troops to Liaodong to destroy the butch army in Liaodong while Xu Jin Guo is in close contact with the great court …"
"Besides attacking Liaodong slaves, there is another idea."
Huang taiji’s eyes lit up and he asked, "Tell me what you think …"
"It’s sweating …"
"In the negotiation with the great court, the slave made a request to the great court, so that the latter Jin could deploy all the troops from all over the country to attack Liaodong. The great court must reduce the troops stationed on the border, so that I can safely and boldly adjust the troops."
"According to my post-Xu Jin Guo arrangement, the grand court made a detailed report on dealing with the butch army. The grand court has begun to fulfill its promise to reduce the number of more than 100,000 border troops stationed at the border …"
"So far, some garrisoned border troops have been reduced from the original ten thousand troops to less than five thousand now …"
"In this case, the foolish decision of the slave court also gave me a chance to enter Dabei Zhili again to burn, kill, plunder and plunder wealth …"
Huang taiji’s eyes lit up and a thoughtful face asked, "Han Bai … You mean we took the opportunity to attack these sides while the imperial court reduced its border forces, and once again entered the Dabei Zhili generation to burn, kill and plunder …"
"Even if we don’t succeed in destroying the butch troops stationed in Liaodong with Liaodong, we can easily attack the insufficient strength in the eyes of the big border forces and then enter the great northern Zhili territory to plunder wealth to make up for the loss of Xu Jin’s repeated defeats …"
"Great Khan Ying …" Fan Wencheng kowtowed to Huang Taiji very timely.
Then, with a full face of compliments, he continued, "Khan … I think this can definitely be called a two-way approach … The slave begged Khan to agree to the request of the big court to jointly attack Liaodong with the big court …"
"Of course, these are all superficial. How do we want to fight after Xu Jin Guo? That is, our own affairs after Xu Jin Guo have nothing to do with our great court."
At this time, Huang taiji’s face worries finally disappeared.
Fan Wencheng affirmed, "Good indeed is a two-pronged approach … After Xu Jin Guo does what the strategist said, Xu Jin Guo will be in an invincible position … very good, very good …"
"Strategist horse let a person inform each big baylor quickly to sweat big tent sweat to discuss military affairs with them …"
Emperor Chongzhen, the grand palace in Beijing, was immersed in excitement when the secret layout of the state of Jin began.
At the same time, before Emperor Chongzhen, Zhang Qian and several cabinet adults also shared secrets with smiles. After the envoy of Xu Jin Guo sent back a secret message to the court.
After watching the secret report in his hand again, the Emperor Chongzhen was all smiles, and he praised Zhang Qian, "Ai-qing zhang, you are not the kui is my humeral minister … just as the records of Dachaoge solved such a big problem for me …"
"I believe that the late Jin fighters and the North Korean army cooperated with the garrison in Liaodong, and the remaining 30,000 butch troops were destroyed …"
"If the 30,000 Tiger and Leopard Army in Liaodong is destroyed, the Tiger and Leopard Army in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces will be greatly affected, and it will also be an unprecedented blow to the Tiger and Leopard Army period."
"When the time comes, the Tiger and Leopard Army will be in an undead situation with the North Korean Army of Houjin Dalai."
"And the court can sit quietly and reap the benefits …"
Chapter five hundred and thirty-four Change
After half a month of undercurrent, it was quiet for more than a month, and the court finally had a movement.
10,000 well-equipped musketeers, 20,000 elite border troops from all over the country, and all kinds of heavy artillery units, totaling 35,000 elite, gathered in the front line of mountains and seas as if it were agreed.
Ask the imperial court to order more than 30,000 elite loyalists to pounce on Chaoyang City, which is closest to the mountains and seas, like a hungry wolf.
Such a large-scale military mobilization and action finally exposed the real purpose that the imperial court had been hiding secretly.
Wang Feng, the commander of the first army of Tiger and Leopard Army, will certainly not watch the imperial army March into Liaodong in the face of tens of thousands of loyalist elites.
In addition to the garrison troops stationed all over the country, the only cavalry division in the hand quickly reinforced the defenders, with less than 2,000 people. Chaoyang will probably invade Liaodong imperial court loyalist to block Chaoyang city.
But let Wang Feng didn’t think that it was when he deployed heavy troops to deal with the court’s massive attack. After 20,000 gold fighters and 30,000 just formed the Hanqi firearms unit, he also came to Liaodong with a dark cloud to crush the city.
At the same time, the North Korean king personally commanded 20,000 North Korean troops to start a secret alliance along the Yalu River. When the time is right, these 20,000 North Korean troops will cross the Yalu River and enter Liaodong to attack the counties in the Yalu River.
Of course, all this is not only unknown to Wang Feng, commander of the First Army of Liaoyang City, but also unknown to Wei Zheng, commander-in-chief of Tiger and Leopard Army.
At this moment, Wei Zheng only received the news that more than 30,000 loyalist elites in the imperial court were about to attack Liaodong from the mountains and seas …
In the face of this long-awaited news, Wei Zheng’s face expression not only did not show the slightest concern, but became extremely relaxed, because in Wei Zheng’s eyes, more than 30,000 imperial loyalists, no matter how well equipped and well trained, could not be rivals of Liaodong Tiger and Leopard Army.
Because now the first army stationed in Liaodong Tiger and Leopard Army has reached full strength.
Not only has three field divisions, a heavy artillery regiment, almost 20,000 field troops, but also a full 10,000 local garrison troops … The full 30,000 morale tiger and leopard troops are definitely not shaken by the 30,000 imperial loyalists, and they are full of confidence in the upcoming battle in Liaodong.
Sure enough, less than three days after the start of the war, it was rushed from Liaodong to Weizheng.
Chaoyang 2,000 defenders cooperated with the reinforcements of Liaoyang cavalry division to attack Chaoyang loyalist from behind. Finally, the loss was very small. The siege outside Chaoyang City was under way, and the elite morale of 5,000 loyalists was severely damaged.
"Good … playing very well … eating the five thousand elite of Chongzhen with one hand. Now it seems that there is a Liaodong battle. We really don’t have to worry about it anymore. After Wang Feng, a veteran of the butch army, sits in Liaodong, it can be guaranteed that Liaodong will be content with our Emperor Chongzhen and will be hit by the wall in front of our butch army …" Looking at the hands of the grand Weizheng, he said with a face of relief.

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Jul 20, 2024
Li Yunhui limped for a long time.

Jade Duxiu sighed gently, "The law of the ancestor can be changed, but he has to take a share in the big robbery, but I can save some war waves."
"Please also ask the Taoist priest to give you a wonderful method." Li Yunhui bowed down.
Jade Duxiu nodded. "Let’s listen to my sermon first. My ancestors want me to take charge of the deity, but I am obsessed with practicing and don’t want to get involved in the deity. Whoever chooses a spokesperson to take charge of the deity for the seat, if the deity is deified in the future, the deity will also have a long life."
The Li Yunhui suddenly a tingle "long just call me to come …"
"Good. What do you think?" Jade Duxiu gently way
"Brother is willing to brother is willing to follow the orders of the Taoist priest." Li Yunhui patted his chest and said that the previous compassion also didn’t know that he could live forever in that Java country. Li Yunhui was blessed by generations.
Jade Duxiu nodded and turned to the wall and took the list of gods. He came to Li Yunhui with a solemn face. "You can think it over once you choose the gods, but you can’t repent."
Chapter 462 Seal the gods to rob the heavens and move.
"At the end of the day, you will get a mortal body to seek immortality. It is already an invitation to Heaven where you are qualified to consider that if you get immortality, you will never regret it." Li Yunhui solemnly took over the list of gods by touching the ground.
Jade Duxiu nodded and turned his head to look at the distant wilderness. "Godfather Fu wrote a letter to heaven to set the stage for apocalypse, and the country will take the lead in apocalypse, and then nine clansmen will compete for the throne of heaven together. After you return to Dachen, you will build an altar according to this drawing and hang this list on the altar. Hanging this list on the five-party altar means that you will be the one who will enlighten the gods by yourself."
Jade Duxiu said that there is naturally a small demon with a tray in his hand and a piece of cloth in the tray into a drawing.
"Yes, it’s very important. What if someone steals it from the altar?" Yun-hui li slightly hesitated way
Jade Duxiu laughed coldly. "Whoever dares to make this list of gods always has a godfather’s eyes. If you are not afraid of death, just try it."
After that, he turned and walked towards the outside of the hall. "Send him back. The process of deifying will be accelerated without delay."
Yu Ji came over and took a look at Li Yunhui’s eyes. They were all staring at the list of gods. "Congratulations to General Li for being chosen by the cave owner to seal the gods and seal the gods in the future."
"Thank you, fairy long" Li Yunhui put away the list of gods and smiled at Yu Ji.
Yu Ji nodded. "In that case, return to Zhongyu as soon as possible to build a deity altar. The sooner the deity is sealed, the better. It is not good to get out of the variables."
"It’s extremely rewarding."
"Let’s go" Yu Ji instantly rolled up Li Yunhui and flew in the direction of Zhongyu with a cloud head.
The highest peak of Taiping Road, the highest peak established by the founder of Taiping Church, is calm and calm.
"It’s a good calculation to push out the cause and effect karma of deities and end up with a pine cone. It’s a good calculation to find a way to wake him up. He didn’t expect this little wit." Taiping ancestor looked at the mobile deities list and smiled gently
"It’s a trouble to trace the family affairs in Zhongyu Miao Xiu, but we still need to find a way to divert his attention." Just then, an old man behind the ancestor spoke carefully. Is this old man not rushing or that?
"There should be no bifurcation in the arrangement of the middle domain. Try to divert Miaoxiu’s eyes until the end of the gods. Even Miaoxiu knows the overall situation and can’t afford to turn over the wind and waves." Taiping jiaozu said softly.
Chongxu thought for a while before saying, "It’s easy to divert Miaoxiu’s eyes, but Miaoxiu’s practice is also a little old. A person is too lonely and too cold to choose a couple to marry on a certain day or have a companion."
"Well …" Godfather hesitated for a long time before he nodded. "It’s also a good idea for you to find a woman with good qualifications."
Chongxu nodded, "Brother, leave now."
Say that finish after blunt virtual turned away.
Jade Duxiu in Biyou Cave would never think of rushing to empty this old guy to divert his attention and specially find himself a fiancee. If you know that you have to be endless with this old guy.
I walked around the Jade Show Hall in Biyou Cave and said to the little demon around me, "Go and send gifts to all the clans, and send them to the seats. I am going to make an alchemy and wait for me to spend the three disasters. The mana is a big mouth. It is not easy to repair it in 129,600 years."
The little demon was ordered to go soon, but he saw several little demons queuing up to send things over one after another to look at them carefully. None of them were all kinds of rare refined utensils, rare heaven and earth elixirs, and countless treasures.
In a short time, the hall was already piled up and looked at the door, but there was still no change. Jade Duxiu waved his hand. "That’s all. It’s important to make an alchemy and make my diamond cut a complete sacrifice. Now it’s a good time to make a sacrifice to diamond cut."
With this number of exotic flowers and jade, I have shown my own alchemy plan. In the past, I said that the old gentleman refined all kinds of elixirs, whether it was to revive the dead or to make people immortal, it was extraordinary to soar nine times in the daytime.
Jade Duxiu touched the ever-changing method, and realized the alchemy from the dust while realizing the nine turns of the magic elixir.
Then nine turns is the mystery of the old gentleman’s alchemy, but like nine turns? Jade Duxiu has no emotion at all, but constantly understands the changes of medicinal properties, watching the impact of medicinal properties move the power of nature in the dark, thus promoting the progress of spin.
When leisurely said that Li Yunhui turned all the way to meet the emperor Chen Dynasty, it was terrible that the emperor was frightened and did not hurry to broadcast craftsmen to build a deity platform.
It took three months to build a deity altar, and this world is half a year. On this day, when the five-party deity altar was built, Li Yunhui bathed, changed clothes and burned incense and prayed, "Today, my brother Li Yunhui was presided over by the Biyou Cave, and today, when the deity altar was built, all ghosts and gods were invited to accept it."
After that, I saw Li Yunhui respectfully invite the gods to hang in the ring for a few incense sticks, which made the gods list even more mysterious.
As for the gods’ list, after returning to its original position, I saw that the vibration in the middle domain was instantaneous, and the mountains and rivers were all shaking in unison, as if lumbricus had turned over. In those nine days, the sun, the moon and the stars were also shining in a neat and generous way, and the gods were shining in nine days and ten places. If you look closely, you will see that the gods’ list was hung with a whip. This whip looks quaint and non-gold, jade, and mysterious runes flashing. The qi machine seems to cover the laws of heaven and earth.
But this whip seems to be hidden in the depths of different times, and outsiders can’t see it, even the nine grandfathers who look down have not seen it.
The nine godfathers hanging on the Godsworn List naturally sensed the vision of heaven and earth, but they saw a golden mask instantly enveloping the whole middle domain. The whole middle domain was enveloped in the Godsworn List, and every monk’s dead soul did not obey the reincarnation order but was taken away by the Godsworn List.
Naturally, this movement in Terran’s Midlands can’t be deceived by the number of demon gods in the wild, and the demon gods look askance at the shaking star. "Did these nine old terran guys really come up with a clever plan for longevity?"
But for a moment, SIRS demon gods changed their colors in succession, but they saw a series of decadent qi machines soaring up into the sky, shaking the stars all over the sky and counting the antiques in the seal, and they came back one after another and roared, "Ha, ha, ha, I finally waited until this time."
"This is a great event, and we will be immortal."
"Ha, ha, ha, thank you, Godfather." Another antique flew to meet Godfather in the direction of his own altar.
However, in the cold ice cave in the general altar of Mount Li in Zhongyu, I saw the dull and decadent qi machine slowly rising and the birds and animals in the mountains and rivers were silent and the monster beast fled.
"I finally got to this day."
"longevity, this world is expected."
"I’ll go to worship my ancestor first."

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