Nov 17, 2024

1. **温补肾阳**:金匮肾气丸的核心功效是温补肾阳,通过温补肾脏的阳气,来改善因肾阳不足所引起的各种症状。


2. **化气行水**:该药具有化气行水的功能,即能够帮助体内气机的正常运行,促进水分的代谢,对于因水液代谢异常引起的症状,如水肿、小便不利等,有改善作用。

3. **主治症状**:
– **肾阳虚引起的畏寒怕冷、神气倦怠、四肢乏力、手足不温**:这些症状通常与肾阳不足有关,金匮肾气丸能够缓解这些不适。
– **腰膝冷痛**:肾阳虚衰,腰部和膝盖等部位常会感到疼痛,金匮肾气丸有助于缓解此类疼痛。
– **下肢水肿、小便清长、大便溏薄**:这些症状与肾阳虚有关,金匮肾气丸可以改善。
– **阳痿、遗精、滑精**:对于肾阳虚引起的性功能障碍,金匮肾气丸有调理作用。
– **女性行经期错后、行经不畅、行经腹痛**:对于女性因肾阳虚引起的月经问题,也有改善作用。

4. **其他适应症**:
– **慢性腰腿痛**:长期慢性的腰酸腿疼可以通过金匮肾气丸得到缓解。
– **前列腺增生**:对于前列腺增生有一定的缓解和治愈作用。
– **老年性阴道炎**:适用于妇女绝经后因卵巢功能衰弱导致的阴道炎症。
– **老年性尿失禁**:对于老年性尿失禁也有一定的治疗功效。

5. **注意事项**:
– 服用金匮肾气丸期间应避免辛辣、生冷食物,节制性欲,避免情绪波动。
– 孕妇忌服。
– 服用该药物可能会导致胃部不适,如胃胀等,停药后通常可以改善。
– 在服用期间,如有其他药物同时使用,应咨询医师或药师,以防药物相互作用。

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Nov 15, 2024

1. **降脂减肥**:青椒中含有辣椒素,这种物质能够促进脂肪的新陈代谢,有助于降低血脂,对于减肥有一定的帮助。

2. **增加食欲**:青椒的味道可以刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,从而增加食欲,帮助消化。


3. **促消化**:青椒能够促进肠胃蠕动,有助于食物的消化和吸收,减少饭后胃胀、消化不良等问题E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。

4. **解热镇痛**:青椒辛温,通过发汗可以降低体温,同时还能缓解肌肉疼痛,具有解热镇痛的作用。

5. **预防癌症**:青椒中含有的抗氧化物质可以阻止细胞的新陈代谢,终止细胞组织的癌变过程,降低癌症细胞的发生率。

6. **预防老化**:青椒含有丰富的维生素C和E,这些抗氧化剂有助于提高免疫力,抑制黑色素的产生,对抗老化有积极作用。

7. **治疗坏血病**:青椒中的维生素C含量较高,有助于预防和治疗坏血病,对于牙龈出血、贫血、血管脆弱有辅助治疗作用。



8. **提高免疫力**:青椒中的维生素C能够增强机体的免疫功能,帮助抵御疾病。

9. **促进维生素C吸收**:青椒中含有的维生素P能够帮助维生素C的吸收,即使经过加热也不会损失。

10. **促进血液循环**:青椒具有改善怕冷、冻伤和血管性头痛等问题,有助于促进血液循环。

– 青椒适合大多数人食用,但眼疾患者、食管炎、胃肠炎、胃溃疡、痔疮患者应少吃或避免食用。
– 有火热病症或阴虚火旺、高血压、肺结核病的人应慎食。
– 肾炎患者不宜食用青椒。


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Nov 8, 2024

1. 抗疟疾作用:青蒿素是青蒿草中提取的主要活性成分,是治疗疟疾的有效药物。它对鼠疟、猴疟和人疟原虫均有显著抑制作用,是现代抗疟药物的重要来源。

2. 抗菌作用:青蒿草具有抗菌作用,可以用于治疗一些细菌感染性疾病E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif

3. 抗炎作用:青蒿草具有抗炎作用,可以用于治疗一些炎症性疾病。

4. 抗肿瘤作用:近年来,有研究表明青蒿素可能具有抗癌作用。虽然目前尚处于基础研究阶段,但已显示出对某些肿瘤细胞的抑制作用。


5. 改善心血管功能:青蒿草中的某些成分可能有助于改善心血管功能,降低血压和血脂。

6. 抗氧化作用:青蒿草具有一定的抗氧化作用,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,预防细胞损伤。

7E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. 治疗其他疾病:青蒿草还被用于治疗一些其他疾病,如疟疾、黄疸、暑热、湿温、阴虚发热等。


1. 神奇疗效多为炒作:目前,青蒿草的疗效主要集中在其抗疟疾和抗菌作用上。其他功效尚处于研究阶段,缺乏足够的循证医学证据。

2. 不当使用有副作用:虽然青蒿草具有多种功效,但不当使用也可能产生副作用。例如,过量使用青蒿素可能导致肝脏损伤。

3. 保健品市场乱象:近年来,一些商家为青蒿草或青蒿保健品戴上“中国神药”的帽子,夸大其功效。消费者在购买时应谨慎,避免上当受骗。


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Nov 4, 2024

1. **延缓衰老,改善体质**:黄精含有丰富的营养成分,能够延缓衰老,改善头晕眼花、腰膝酸软、须发早白等症状。这是因为黄精能够补益脾肾,增强机体的抗衰老能力。

2. **补脾气与脾阴**:黄精能够同时补脾气和脾阴,对于脾气虚弱引起的食欲不振以及脾阴不足导致的口干食少等症状有很好的疗效。

3. **滋肾润肺**:黄精具有滋肾润肺的功效,适用于阴虚肺燥、干咳少痰以及肺肾阴虚的劳嗽久咳等症。

4. **多种食用方式**:黄精可以通过多种方式食用,如黄精粥、冰糖黄精饮、黄精茶等,这些食用方法既方便又美味,能够有效发挥黄精的药效。

5. **药食两用**:黄精既是药材又是食品,被卫生部列为87种食用药材之一,安全性高,适合长期食用。


6. **补肾壮腰**:黄精具有补肾壮腰的作用,可治疗肾虚腰痛、早泄遗精等症状。

7. **乌发**:黄精能补益肝肾精血,对于须发早白有很好的治疗作用。

8. **安神**:黄精可以宁心安神,对失眠有一定的治疗作用。


9. **驻颜**:黄精具有养血驻颜的功效,可以使肌肤莹洁如玉。

10. **益寿**:长期服用黄精可以延年益寿,达到返老还童的效果。

11. **明目**:黄精可以治疗肝肾精血亏虚所致的头晕眼花,目生翳障等症状。

12. **补脾**:黄精可以助消化,治疗食欲不佳。

13. **补虚**:黄精能够保养元气,治疗五脏虚劳。


14. **现代药理作用**:现代药理研究表明,黄精具有预防老年痴呆、抗脂肪肝、保护心脏、肾脏等作用。


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Nov 3, 2024

1. **宣肺、祛痰、利咽**:桔梗性平、味苦、辛,归肺经,具有宣肺、祛痰、利咽的功效。对于咳嗽痰多、胸闷不畅、咽喉肿痛等症状有很好的治疗效果。

2. **排脓**:桔梗能够利肺气以排壅肺之脓痰,对于肺痈吐脓、胸膜炎等疾病有显著疗效。

3. **抗炎、镇痛、解热**:桔梗中的桔梗皂苷具有抗炎、镇痛、解热的作用,对于炎症性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。

4. **降血糖、抗胆碱、促进胆酸分泌**:桔梗有降血糖的作用,对于糖尿病有一定的辅助治疗作用。同时,桔梗还能抗胆碱,促进胆酸分泌。

5. **治疗咳嗽痰多、胸闷不畅**:桔梗辛散苦泄,宣开肺气,祛痰,无论寒热皆可应用。风寒者,可配紫苏、杏仁;风热者,可配桑叶、菊花、杏仁。

6. **治疗咽喉肿痛、失音**:桔梗能宣肺泄邪以利咽开音,对于外邪犯肺、咽痛失音者有较好的治疗效果E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。


7. **治疗肺痈吐脓**:桔梗性散上行,能利肺气以排壅肺之脓痰,对于肺痈咳嗽胸痛、咯痰腥臭等症状有显著疗效。


8. **其他功效**:桔梗还能治疗痈肿吐脓、癃闭、便秘等病症。此外,桔梗还有抑制胃液分泌和抗溃疡作用。


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Oct 28, 2024


1. **促进消化**:花椒中的芳香物质可以刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,增强消化酶的活性,帮助食物的消化,对于消化不良和食欲不振有缓解作用。

2. **抗菌作用**:花椒中的挥发油,尤其是花椒酚,具有强烈的抗菌作用,能有效抑制多种细菌的生长,对预防和治疗感染性疾病有显著效果E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。

3. **抗氧化**:花椒含有丰富的维生素C、维生素E和多种抗氧化剂,可以中和体内自由基,减轻氧化应激对身体的损害,从而有助于预防衰老和多种慢性疾病。

4. **镇痛消炎**:花椒中的花椒酚和其他活性成分能够抑制炎症反应和疼痛传导,对于缓解关节炎、扭伤等疼痛症状有辅助作用。

5. **驱虫**:花椒入药后能驱虫,适用于治疗人体寄生虫病,如蛔虫等,通过煎水服用,可以杀死体内的寄生虫。

6. **消肿止痛**:花椒还具有消肿止痛的作用,对于牙龈肿痛、蛀牙疼痛等有缓解效果。

7E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **防止食品变质**:花椒可以放在米桶中防止米虫,放在沸油的油锅中防止油溢出,还可以防止油脂变味。

8. **其他用途**:花椒还可以用于防止食品生虫、止痒、防止脚臭、治蛀牙、治鸡眼、治痛经、治胆道蛔虫病等多种用途。


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Oct 25, 2024

### 益处:

1. **健胃消食**:柚子茶可以促进胃液和消化液的分泌,有助于缓解消化不良,增加食欲。

2. **润肠通便**:柚子茶能帮助促进肠胃蠕动,对于习惯性便秘或便秘症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **心脑血管保护**:柚子茶中的成分可以降低血液粘稠度,减少血栓的形成,有助于预防心脑血管疾病。


4. **美容养颜**:柚子含有丰富的维生素C和维生素P,可以深入肌肤深层,阻止色斑生成,美白皮肤。

5. **减肥瘦身**:柚子含有大量维生素C和膳食纤维,能促进新陈代谢,排出体内毒素,配合蜂蜜的整肠作用,有助于减肥。E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif

6. **清热去火,止咳化痰**:柚子茶中的天然枸橼酸和无机盐类有助于肝、胃、肺等功能的改善,同时具有清热去火,止咳化痰的功效。

7. **解酒排毒**:柚子茶能帮助提高肝脏的解毒功能,加速体内毒素的分解和代谢,减轻酒后不适E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif。

8. **促进伤口愈合**:柚子茶具有健胃、润肺、补血、清肠、利便等功效,有助于伤口愈合。

9. **防癌防中风**:柚子含有的维生素C和钙元素有助于预防肠癌和胃癌,对预防中风也有积极作用。

### 影响:

1. **禁忌人群**:由于柚子性寒,身体虚寒的人、孕妇以及脾虚泄泻的人不宜多吃柚子或柚子茶。

2. **药物相互作用**:柚子茶中含有的成分可能会与某些药物发生相互作用,如降低某些药物的效果或增加副作用,因此服用特定药物时需谨慎。

3. **糖分摄入**:蜜炼柚子茶含有一定量的糖分,糖尿病患者或对糖分敏感的人群应适量饮用。


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Oct 19, 2024

1. **美容养颜**:茶油中含有丰富的维生素E和角鲨烯,这些成分能够滋养肌肤,增强肌肤的弹性和光泽。每天洗脸后涂抹茶油,并进行适当的按摩,可以帮助去除毛孔中的污垢,减少细小皱纹和色斑。


2. **四季护肤**:茶油适用于不同季节的肌肤护理。夏天使用茶油可以防止紫外线对肌肤的伤害,冬天则可以滋润保护皮肤,防止干燥开裂。

3. **护发**:对于头发干燥、分叉、掉发等问题,茶油能有效改善。在洗头时加入少量茶油,或者用茶油按摩头皮,可以促进头皮血液循环和新陈代谢,防止脱发。

4. **满足吃货的需求**:茶油具有独特的香味,用其烹饪的食物口感更佳。茶油炒菜香而不腻,特别适合炒鸡、蒸鱼等。

5. **减肥塑身**:茶油不饱和脂肪酸含量高,有助于润肠通便,促进肠道蠕动,同时不会导致人体长胖。

6E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **健康**:茶油烟点高,高温烹饪时不易产生油烟,对健康更为有益。此外,茶油中的山茶苷、山茶皂苷和茶多酚等活性物质,具有强心、溶血栓、降低胆固醇、预防肿瘤等多种健康功效。


7. **孕妇产后恢复**:茶油对于孕妇产后恢复身材有很好的帮助,同时还能增加母乳,促进胎儿健康发育。

8. **婴幼儿健康**:婴幼儿食用茶油可以利气、通便、消火、助消化,对骨骼和身体发育也有积极作用。

9. **抗紫外线和淡斑美白**:茶油能够抵抗紫外线,减少紫外线对皮肤的伤害,同时促进皮肤新陈代谢,去除老化角质,淡化色斑,美白肌肤。


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Jul 22, 2024

Chapter 13 Yaya
Four people took the steps to the fourth floor stairs.
Variants in the dining area all looked at the stairs, and humans roared and rushed in that direction.
Fang Jun held a pistol and fired quickly. Every bullet accurately hit the mutant head.
One shot after another behind Yanfeng, each bullet penetrated several variants and finally exploded and killed a small piece of variants.
Li Xiangkui kept moving back and forth in the mutant group waving double knives. Every time the knife lights up, it will cut at an extremely fast speed, making most of their attacks fall and occasionally hitting him.
Lin Mo is more relaxed. She needs Li Xiangkun to be attacked, and throwing a medical ball will be enough.
Soon the variation of the whole dining area was cleaned up by four people, and Li Xiangkui once again opened his personal information.
[Players are familiar with each other]
[rank recruit]
[Achievement point 3]
【 Honor Value 197 】
Although the honor value of the first-level mutant is very low, the heavy quantity has given him a lot of honor value, and after this, he can probably rise a few titles
After four people spread out and searched everywhere, they found nothing and were disappointed.
"Let’s keep looking."
On the fifth floor, there is a film and television area and a game hall. There are still many first-class variants wandering around. After four people quickly cleared these variants, they carefully looked at every corner and still found nothing.
The next step is to officially enter the apartment. From the fifth floor to the sixth floor, you can choose to take the ladder or take the stairs. After discussion, several people decide whether to take the ladder faster. At this time, the ladder is stopping on the 17th floor. Li Xiangyue pressed the ladder button and started talking with several people.
"Knock, knock"
There was a faint knock in the ladder, and several people immediately raised their guns at the door of the ladder.
When Ding rang, several people became more nervous.
The door opened, and the powerful mutant did not appear, but a little girl hiding in a corner and shivering in a small quilt looked at several people outside in horror.
Girls are soft-hearted. Seeing such a poor little girl, Lin Mo immediately said, "Little sister, we are here to save you. We are good people." Then she made a face.
The little girl contracted more tightly, and her mouth kept mumbling but she didn’t know what to say.
Lin Mo looked at Li Xiangsui piteously and said, "Xiangsui, you see how pitiful this little girl is. Go and see her."
Li Xiangkun is observing whether the little girl is lucky or a seductive variant, but when she heard Lin Mo say so, she crustily skin of head and walked into the ladder.
"Er, little sister, can you come out?" Li Xiangkun scratched his head and said
The little girl didn’t speak, so she looked at the man in front of her. When she saw a blood knife in her hand, her eyes became more frightened. She buried her head in the quilt and showed a pair of small eyes watching Li Xiangkang.
Li Xiangkun was embarrassed. He put the knife in his game backpack and squatted down to watch the little girl do judo. "Little sister and brother put the knife away. Don’t be afraid."
The little girl was pulled a little bit to reconfirm that the man in front of her was unarmed before she relaxed her panic.
"Are you here to save us?" The little girl said timidly
Hearing the little girl’s words, Li Xiangkun finally felt relieved. He was sure that he was facing a human being.
"Yes, we are here to help. Can you tell me what happened?" Li Xiangkui smiled and picked up the little girl and walked out of the ladder.
The little girl felt the warm body temperature of Li Xiangkui and hugged his neck tightly and began to cry.
Several people were infected by the little girl’s crying. They can roughly imagine what a terrible scene the poor child saw. Maybe this will leave a shadow on her growth path. What will happen if it is not them but those mutants?
The little girl sobbed and said, "My parents are gone!"
Li Xiangkun was surprised and asked, "How did they disappear?"
"I don’t know. I slept at home last night, but when I got up this morning, I found that my parents were gone in my ladder," the little girl said with her head tilted.
Lee sang-woon knew that her parents should be doomed, but it was still respectable to let the children live.
He resisted the idea of telling her the truth and smiled. "What’s your name?"
The little girl bit her finger and said cutely, "What’s my name?"
"My name is Xiang Lian, shall we take you to your parents?"
As soon as she heard that she was looking for her parents, her face turned sunny, and she was happy to kiss Li Xiangrui’s face.
Li Xiangkui froze in place. He asked Ya Ya, "Ya Ya, why are you kissing me?"
Ya Ya looked at him with some doubts. "My mother taught me from an early age that a kiss is a child’s gratitude to others."
For this reason, he said that he was very angry and looked at Lin Mo, who didn’t look unhappy, but liked Ya Ya constantly looking at the little girl.
"Mo, if you like her, you can hold her. It’s just that I can be more convenient."
"Yes, yes!" Lin Mo smiled happily and took over the little girl of Li Xiang.
Who knows that Ya Ya is actually hugging more tightly, but she is unwilling to let go of Lin Mo, and there is no way to just stare at Li Xiangkun.
Locked by a terrible smell, Li Xiangkun said to Ya Ya, "Ya Ya’s brother will free up his hand to beat the bad guys later, so let that sister hold you. Do you think that sister is good-looking?"
"Good-looking sister is the best person that Ya Ya has ever seen," Ya Ya said seriously.
When Lin Mo heard this, her heart turned white with joy, and Li Xiangrui snorted, "Some people never know how to praise me. There is such a beautiful girlfriend who doesn’t know how to cherish it."
Li Xiangkun refused the news of Lin Mo and tried to kill her.
After some trouble, Lin Mo still got her wish and took the stairs to the sixth floor.
The layout of the apartment is very simple. There are five people on each floor. The security doors have all been damaged and there are ruins everywhere.
Li Xiangkun walked into a room with a large suite and luxurious decoration. It was really a high-end apartment. A poor man like him had never seen such a good place.
There’s nothing hanging around the house, broken windows, blood all over the floor, everywhere.
Lin Mo covered her eyes and said, "Sister Ya plays a game with you."
Ya Ya said curiously, "Good good! Ya ya wants to play games. "
"Ya ya must promise my sister to keep her eyes closed all the way. My sister will buy you a lot of delicious food after the game, okay?"
"Close your eyes, right? Ok, I agreed to ask my sister to buy delicious food for her! " After that, there is still a good way to close your eyes.
Lin Mo deliberately said to her, "If my sister finds that Ya Ya has opened her eyes, she won’t buy her food."
Ya Ya grinned and giggled. "Ya Ya is the most obedient and won’t cheat."
Li Xiangkui was relieved to see Lin Mo’s practice. Sure enough, women are more careful. Did he consider what would happen if Ya Ya saw it?
After checking this room, I went to the next room. This room is very similar except for the layout.
After careful examination, there was still no result, and several people kept looking until the fifth room, where they found some footprints and the distribution was messy, extending to the health door, which was open.
It is hard to say what will happen now when someone escapes in a hurry and accidentally escapes to this room and then hides in the sanitation.
Fang Jun went to the door and pulled the handle and found that the door was locked. He skillfully pulled out the wire lock and groped bit by bit.
A crisp door opened and he looked at Yanfeng, just like a small town, who picked up a sniper rifle and pointed it at the sanitation door.
Open the sliding door with your hand. "Bang!" A shot went off, and a man came to the health room and cried out.
A few of them looked at a man in the health room, sticking tightly to the wall, and there was a deep bullet hole in the right wall of his head.
Ya Ya was shocked by this sound and just wanted to open her eyes to see the situation. Suddenly she remembered that she had an appointment with Lin Mo and asked, "What happened to my sister?"
"Nothing. We saved another person." Lin Mo said softly.
"Oh, that doesn’t mean anything." With that, my little girl fell asleep again.

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Jul 21, 2024
This is some kind of trick!

The Nazis soon realized what they had encountered. This trap belonged to an insidious school of the gods-they sealed some spectre in a machine, urged the motive to be released from a distance at the right time, and then attacked the enemy from behind.
I didn’t even find out what seal it was, and I didn’t know when it was put in those positions by ghosts.
Almost everyone shouted, turned around and fought with the enemy. The weapons in the hands of the Nazis had some unique lethality, which could harm the spectre and soul class. In this way, the gap with the enemy could be narrowed. Unfortunately, the ghosts rushed out from their hiding places one by one and cut and separated the Nazis into several pieces!
Immediately occupied the wind!
The ghosts are fast and flexible, wearing black coats and hats, like ghosts shuttling through the crowd, reaching out from time to time to sneak up on the Nazis-I saw at a glance that these guys intended to be in the bleeding bag!
Joseph, the protective bag, also shouted out at this time. "Everyone is talking in the protection of things. He first shakes a knife and forces the spectre around him, and then suddenly rushes toward it."
However, another member of the Ghost Road quickly filled the gap and shot an arrow with a bamboo tube in his mouth!
Joseph avoided being shot red-handed-but it was just a flash. He immediately swung the dagger in his hand obliquely and cut it straight at the opposite ninja’s neck. The ninja was also blocked by the load and stabbed it from the face!
Joseph hit the dagger and immediately turned as fast as lightning to fend off Ninja Tatsu Yamashiro!
In the field, the United States issued a cross-attack. Joseph didn’t fall in the wind against a ninja-he quickly escaped the enemy’s attack again and again and couldn’t stop fighting back when he could spare it!
Joseph’s condition is good, but it doesn’t mean that the whole Nazi has an advantage. He obviously began to consume too much physical strength, and some of them were too much to eat. He was forced to retreat by those ghost ninjas …
Seeing that the bag is about to be robbed!
Don’t look at the fact that the Nazis are in a hurry. Those ghosts are not necessarily easy-the Vatican is getting closer and closer now. If it really arrives, it is not the case!
Ji Ji, a Nazi and a dozen ghosts can’t catch up with the forty or fifty holy judges in quantity or quality!
But I seem to have found something unusual. Although these ghosts are good at kung fu, it’s a pity that none of them are masters. There is no such thing as puppet five forbearance or three ghosts. Do you think such a sneak attack plan can be achieved without a master sitting in the town?
My eyes are fluttering and I look behind, only to find that there are three figures in the dark. There is no movement there-but there is a black thing next to it that seems to move slowly … How does this thing look familiar?
Ah! By the way, isn’t this what the player who played with the mud, the dog and the corpse shed? Yes, this’ flow’ is the flow!
Put yourself in the other’s shoes. Who would I line up if I came here?
The ground war is bound to send soil longitudinal this cargo sneak attack and grab things; Fire is a must when the time comes to get a smoke and hide everything behind, not to mention that it is absolutely possible to escape; Muzong still wants to come to Woodenhead at the end of the smoke to get some poison, and the effect should be leverage …
Seeing that the black thing is getting closer and closer, the Vatican Sanzang is not far from here-suddenly the black shadow jumped from the ground and jumped towards the bag!
"Be careful Joseph and ninja to choke also smoke shout so a voice wake up those Nazis did notice-both of them are dragging the bag with one hand and the other hand is a few shots!
Actually, a few guns hit ya in the chest, and the end was bloody and cracked. I don’t know if there was anything added in it. Anyway, the cargo chest was still smoking except gunshot wounds.
The shadow naturally smashed into the bag and fell to the ground and twitched directly. One foot of the shadow slammed and stepped on it in high spirits. "Get rid of it …"
Joseph beside tore heart crack lung cry "be careful …" It’s a pity that it is too late!
The body was stepped on, stepped on, and suddenly reached out with such a wave of his hand-it fell in front of two things with a click!
Then it was the two Nazis who were holding their wrists and screaming, and the wound blood was sprayed like a sprinkler … and the black shadow on the rotten chest rubbed against the bag and ran towards the back, hitting the body like fried beans with bullets behind it-anyway, ignore it and run with one word!
Joseph, this guy crunched his teeth and suddenly reached out and pulled something out of his pocket and pressed it-it was an instant. Almost all Nazis made an earth-shattering brotherhood of the Wolf!
It’s almost relaxing to see what’s going on in ghosts. Who knows that all of a sudden, such a cry actually startled the department, and some silly people just didn’t cut off their knives-but that’s much better than cutting them off!
Two of the goods were really cut off and cut into the Nazi shoulders and chest. Unfortunately, after the Nazi ghost called, it suddenly changed!
The opponent’s chest muscles are bulging like balloons, and the body is also a piece of a horizontal knife, which is actually caught by this muscle. I can’t even smoke it … But it is estimated that I have tried twice, and I haven’t waited for the third time to become a super Saiyan. The Nazis have already made moves to tear the opponent who can be caught in two!
What kind of hormones did Nazi guys plant to make breast enhancement so fast and perfect?
At this time, the shadow was almost ventilated before and after, and finally it couldn’t be tossed and fell to the ground. The three goods really made a big stream of smoke, and half of the hidden caves turned into chaos!
Then I watched the figure rush out of the smoke and quickly grabbed the bag and ran away!
Six snakes sounded in the smoke of the cargo sound "Everyone retreated and then rushed out of two Woodenhead caves as a backup. He started to run outside like a rectification movement-except for a few broken legs or two halves of the wind. If you can scamper, you will rush into the tunnel in three to five seconds!
Screaming and screaming, the Nazis rushed towards the front. It’s a pity that those two Woodenhead just kept blocking the entrance of the cave and wouldn’t let them strike back.
Then the Nazis began to lose their feet and lose their balance. Dominoes fell to the ground one by one!
Sure enough, the smoke is poisonous.
At this time, the Vatican troops almost arrived-the first one was not a Vatican person, but a deformed monster. The monster was like playing a game and meeting hatred. It was almost fat and broken, and rancid thick pulp and blood flowed outward everywhere. The only thing that looked complete was that face-
This is actually a professor!
Did the professor really find strength from the cave of Shah Mbala or their Nazi new technology? I don’t know! But from the appearance alone, it is still very powerful, ugly and disgusting. To put it bluntly, modern Frankenstein is almost like a clay figurine.
Smoke has now filled the whole Tibetan room, and the professor came out in a flash-just a few seconds later, the Vatican people have rushed out!
It’s a pity that they rushed fast and retreated fast. At the first time, they got into the tunnel again and were afraid to hear someone shouting "Come back for a while …" Guess there is something wrong with this smoke!
The professor sat on the ground and muttered, and soon struggled again; Then I took two steps outward, continued to fall down, and finally got up again … The degree of mental tenacity has gone beyond the level of self-reliance of the disabled, which is a bit like the pilgrimage to Mecca, where I worship the pious and bitter monks.
I can’t see in the smoke … I suddenly turned my head and said to them, "God help me too! Isn’t this gas mask just for us to sneak along? "
Section 300 Thirty million dollars
Think about it. Now the scene is filled with smoke, which is almost the same as a fire scene. The visibility is not more than two meters, and you have to have no astigmatism. Plus this smoke is toxic … It is necessary to be in a bad situation, which is almost the same as home for those of us who have gas masks and eyes of yin and yang!
Tailing, stalking, sneak attack, and sap are really godsend opportunities. It is not enough to say how good this opportunity is!
But there’s one thing that needs to be grasped.
We were able to get out of the hiding place as soon as we set off. In the smoky atmosphere, we carefully stepped on the crowd to block the way forward-in this chaotic environment, we actually ventured through the whole hiding room and finally reached the tunnel door.
Those two dressed up like dogs and cats, Woodenhead still stabbed the outside without a knife, but the movement was stiff and blind. It should be that the wooden vertical six snakes left these things and continued to move by physical power …
William stretched out his hand and pulled out a large-caliber revolver, chanting "Try my Sera Jiong". He raised his hand and learned to sneer at brest jǐng’s long deformed horse-I hurriedly blocked his gun. "Don’t talk about it. It’s a bit suspended or change to thirteen." I waved at the five ghosts. "
Five ghosts flew from Woodenhead’s head as soon as they called, and Woodenhead’s movements remained numb and stabbed the knife.
I remember that guy Six Snakes very well. He’s scheming and good at cheating. I don’t think there’s nothing in Woodenhead. Just leave it here and let us destroy it … Be careful. If you’re unlucky, it’s not worth dying with those super Saiyans.
Thirteen, that guy came and listened to me at last. He touched the front and saw the two Woodenhead. He knew it in his heart and asked directly, "Tie?"
I nodded. "Just tie it up. Don’t make a big noise and excite the internal machine …"
Our communication has always been like this. I talk a lot and say that the situation is absolutely not three words-this time it’s the same. I’m only halfway through and he’s already started!
I didn’t see clearly what Thirteen did in the smoke until Ya reached out from his pocket and got rid of a piece of incense stick and inserted it. Then the paper was stuffed into the front end of the rope … This guy murmured that the rope actually moved like a snake!
Sang Yu a full face of surprise poking me "I didn’t read it wrong? Thirteen, this trick seems to be … "We looked at each other and shouted," Fairy rope? "
The rope head shouted and flew out, wrapping the two Woodenhead around each other for several times, suddenly folding the back of the 13 th, and pulling the two goods to the ground … This time, the 13 th was not idle, and it was rare to say something to us. "It’s not a fairy rope. This is the most basic rope skill-flying meteor 13-style rotation."
Then he went and tied the two ends together and asked me, "Shall we go?" Look at the face is full of awe, no waves and changes.
It seems that thirteen is unwilling to talk to Lou Jia anyway
We promised to go out from the tunnel entrance one after another until then, when the hateful professor still fell and crawled towards the inside and rushed behind, leaving the Nazis rolling-I remembered something when I came out, and I stretched out my hand and pulled thirteen back. "I’m busy with this rope again."
"Er, what are you …" The question was Sang Yu, but she paused in the middle of it before saying, "Do you want to leave these Nazi traps to the Vatican?"
I hey hey a few "smart! When the time comes, we’ll just catch vampires and exchange them-Professor, this guy is now a Hulk, which is probably not easy to deal with. If we catch him hard, it will disturb the ghosts … It would be nice to stay here.
Sang Yu didn’t understand, "It’s really shocking the ghosts, isn’t it? We’ll know that the corpse has fallen if we catch the professor-what does the ghosts care about him?"
That’s true, but that’s Sang Yu’s wishful thinking. Theoretically, it’s absolutely no problem, but it’s really difficult to implement it-do you think it’s a lair for the Nazis to transport the corpse back to the place? Generally speaking, in a place like the lair, we don’t say there is an army waiting, but there will be 700 guys missing. We may sneak in and destroy the corpse, but it will be a bloody battle when we think about it …
But on the other hand, if I can find the Vatican spear, I can talk about it as a business. It’s just a business of exchanging corpses for spears. It’s so cool for me to make a profit!
A simple explanation with Sang Yu became her understanding ability, which was relatively strong. Although she trembled slightly when talking about the spear head, I still think it was a kind of consciousness, not much thinking about Sam-we walked out and left the rope behind thirteen to untie it.
Soon I heard Woodenhead creaking and getting up, and then thirteen chased us. Cool! "Let’s go!
The three of us quickly walked along the tunnel and went back to the pipeline-filled waterway. Five ghosts followed the ghost road. I didn’t know there was William and Connery intersection waiting for us …
When we came out of the waterway, it was already dark, and the ghosts disappeared in the dark-but sometimes the blood in the residual gas and the ground still let us follow it to a small forest, where the blood disappeared and left two lines of muddy wheel tracks.

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